We are proud to announce that Druid Nutrients will be taking charge of our ‘Grow Workshop’ at Bloom. Their team will host a special talk for connoisseurs and enthusiasts to gather, listen, learn & debate together.
We are proud to announce that Druid Nutrients will be taking charge of our ‘Grow Workshop’ at Bloom. Their team will host a special hour talk for connoisseurs and enthusiasts to gather, listen, learn & debate together.
This gives our attendees the opportunity to meet professionals from the industry, educate themselves further and broaden their knowledge on cultivation! 🌱
Let’s grow together! Let’s Bloom! 🙌❤️
We are proud to announce that Druid Nutrients will be taking charge of our ‘Grow Workshop’ at Bloom. Their team will host a special hour talk for connoisseurs and enthusiasts to gather, listen, learn & debate together.
This gives our attendees the opportunity to meet professionals from the industry, educate themselves further and broaden their knowledge on cultivation! 🌱
Let’s grow together! Let’s Bloom! 🙌❤️
Most nutrition companies that are active in the market are using a multitude of separate components and additives in combination with very complex growing schemes.
Druid Nutrients designed a range of dry formulas with a balanced mix of all the nutrition and growth stimulators. In collaboration with an international team of experienced scientists we have developed Druid Berkana. The most complete and cost effective all-in-one full-cycle nutritional solution for your plants.
It is not longer needed to dose and mix different types of products such as bloom nutrients, root stimulators or boosters. Everything your plants need can be found in just one bag of Druid Nutrients. It’s that easy!